Industrial organizational level product contains vertical and horizontal collusion between the conspiracies.As the difference between the performances of the product vertical collusion contender status,the resale price controls determine their economic values in a dynamic environment multitasking conflicts by facing possible collapse to reach solutions to existing and new conspiracy solution.This paper shows that the two homogenization manufacturers use their service provider system in dynamic competitive environment,which may lead to some greater overall industry profits.By applied game theory and dynamic panel technology to China's most dynamic regions of two triangular objects,the non-collusion is more economically efficient manner from the perspective of overall social welfare.From the vertical links between organizations,the conspiracy is a non-efficiency activity and each non-collusion impulses service provider,which relates to their ability of negotiations and innovation externalities.This paper indirectly proves that collusion manufacturing and service industries are economic value segmentation instead of economic value creators.The existing inter-industry vertical association is a non-fragile equilibrium.This paper also provides some corresponding suggestions.