[目的]农业科技资源配置效率的高低在一定程度上决定着农业科技系统的运行效率,而农业科技系统的运行效率状况对提高农业科技资源的高效利用、增强农业科技创新能力、加快促进农业现代化进程有着重要的影响。文章基于2009年第二次全国R&D资源清查数据,对政府部门属农业科研机构的配置效率进行测算,并分析其规模报酬以便为相关决策部门提供参考。[方法]通过构建农业科技资源配置效率评价的投入产出指标体系,选取包含科技人员、科技经费及科技成果在内的6个投入产出指标,运用数据包络分析方法 (DEA)中的超效率模型测算全国32个省份政府部门属自然科学和技术领域研究机构(含直辖市)的综合效率、纯技术效率、规模效率。[结果]全国农业科研机构科技资源技术效率平均值为0.581,科技运行效率还有较大的提升空间。按机构学科领域分,水产学学科的效率值最高(TE Score=2.867 9);按机构服务的国民经济行业分,渔业的效率值最高(TE Score=1.901 1)。各省(市、区)农、林、牧、渔业农业科研机构的综合运行效率值大于1的有天津、吉林、贵州、宁夏、北京、辽宁。规模效率的平均值是0.686,规模收益递减的省(市、区)占87%。[结论]DEA非效率地区所占比例较大,技术效率低于全国平均值的地区占56%,地区规模效率的提升可以依靠加大科研投入来实现。农业科技资源配置的结构需要进行调整,在合理调控种植业科研机构的发展规模的同时优化其科技人员结构。通过开展农业科技计划绩效评价、组建农业科技创新联盟来促进农业科技协同创新。同时应根据农业科研机构的不同类型提出相应的管理措施,以便实现分类指导和科学管理。
The allocation efficiency of agricultural science and technology resource determines the operation effi -ciency of agricultural science and technology system. The efficiency of agricultural science and technology system isconductive to improve the efficient use of agricultural science and technology resources, enhance the ability of agri -cultural science and technology innovation, and accelerate the process of agricultural modernization. Based on the data of the second national R&D resource inventory in 2009, this paper estimated the allocation efficiency of the ag-ricultural department of agricultural research institutions and analyzed the scale compensation to provide policy ref -erence for the agricultural science and technology management department. It constructed input and output index system of science and technology resource allocation efficiency, selected six input and output indicators such as thescientific and technological personnel, science and technology funding and scientific and technological achieve-ments ,and measured the comprehensive efficiency, pure technical efficiency, scale efficiency of the natural sci -ence and technology research institutions by the data envelopment analysis method (DEA ) . The results showed thatthe average efficiency was 0.581, it indicated the science and technology operation efficiency was low. Technicalefficiency score of the Department of Fisheries was 2. 8679. The comprehensive operation efficiency of agricultural,forestry, animal husbandry and fishery agricultural research institutions was greater than 1 in Tianjin,Jilin,Guizhou, Ningxia, Beijing,Liaoning. The average scale efficiency was 0. 686. The region of inefficiency in DEA occupied 56% of the whole nation, where the technical efficiency was lower than the national average. Finally, it put forward some countermeasures such as increasing investment in research, adjusting the st