The physical properties of extrudates have direct effects on the quality of the final products in the extrusion-spheronization process, which are the key factors for the research of pharmaceutical formulation and process optimization. The previous studies showed that the surface roughness of extrudates was one of the important physical properties, which also had a significant effect on the pellet formation. The extrudates of Baiqian extract and microcrystalline cellulose with different amounts of moistening agent, distilled water, were prepared by extrusion- spheronization process. Their images were made by the microscope and their surface roughness were analyzed by the particle shape and size analyzer. The equation for surface roughness based on the perimeter of ellipse with the equivalent area was established and confirmed in this paper. The results of methodological validation showed that this method had well precision, accuracy and sensitivity. Furthermore, the surface roughness values of the extrudates with different amounts of moistening agent were calculated by this method, and the correlation between the surface roughness and the formation of pellets was also investigated. The results showed that there were different effects of surface roughness of extrudes containing different raw materials on pellet formation.