According to the 2008 -2012 sounding data of 20 radiosonde stations at the low- latitude of China , this paper analyzed the relationship between the Kvalue and location , built coef ficient K value model without meteorological data in Guangxi region. By comparing the accuracy and applicability of different models,the im-pact on prediction accuracy is analyzed by gradually increased samples year by year, and better ways of model-ing is found for the K value model in Guangxi. The results show that : ( 1) Emardson model has the same inner precision and outer precision as the elevation model. Emardson is in good agreement with the integral method in calculating the K value. Emardson model's overall precision of inner coincidence MSE is 0. 002 1 , outer preci-sion MSE is 0. 001 8.(2) Without elevation factor , Emardson model has stronger appl icabi l i ty than the eleva-tion model. ( 3 ) It is not guaranteed to improve the prediction accuracy of the model by increasing the number of samples each year. With recent two years data, the value of K of the th ird year can be better predicted.