It is difficult to tackle the problem about testing of attributes between two data sequences for grey relational analysis because the number of data sequences must be more than 2 in order tO structure a grey relational space. For this reason, a concept, grey relation, was advanced using rationale of grey system. Started with generation of the fixed value reference sequence from mean of these two data sequences, maximum grey difference, minimum coefficient of similarity and weighting coefficient of sys- tem attributes were defined, relational properties and theorems were given, and accordingly an especial grey relational space, viz. grey similarity space which permits the probability distribution unknown and the number of data small, was formed. On grey similarity space, a testing criterion of system attributes was proposed, carried with its corresponding grey confidence level. Experiments on the error coefficient of strapdown inertial measurement unit (SIMU) and the effectiveness of weapon systems show that grey relation is provided with significance at the above 95 % grey confidence level.