Java内容仓库被设计为一套标准API来解决内容管理系统(CMS)领域内容仓库无法统一的问题。它位于应用系统和底层存储层之间,使用树状存储模型,提供了诸如内容存取、版本控制、事件、检索和过滤等内容服务。实现了内容访问与存储仓库解耦,提供了更高的灵活性和交换能力。概述了Java内容仓库的概念、原理及其结构,介绍了其开源实现项目Apache Jackrabbit,结合一个新闻发布系统的应用例子说明其在CMS中的应用。讨论了Java内容仓库技术的优缺点,并对其未来进行了展望。
The content repository for Java technology is designed to be a set of standard API to solve the problem that the content repository cannot be unified in content manager system (CMS) area. It is located between the application system and the storage layer, using a ' tree - like' storage model, provides many content services like content access, version control, transaction, search and filter. It realized the decoupling of the content access and the storage repository, provided greater flexibility and the ability to exchange. This context outlined the concept of the content repository for Java technology and its principle and structure, and briefed the open source project Apache Jackrabbit, described the role in CMS with a news release system example. It also discussed the advantages and disadvantages and made a prospect for the future at last.