Sciences of eomplexity are new interdiseiplinary subjeets, whieh focus on eomplex systems, eomplexity and its research methodology, It takes ecosystem as an adaptive complex system, which is suggested to be at the edge of chaos or at the eritieality. The inner interaetions of an eeosystem are main driving force for self- organization, complexity and order of eeosystem. Seienees of eomplexity were applied to the researeh of eeosystem for better understanding of the interaetions among eomponents of environment and biology, dynamie eharaeteristies and evolutionary meehanism of eeosystems eomplexity. Exploring literatures about seienees of eomplexity and eeosystems, this paper summarized the definition of eomplexity, researeh methods of the seienee of eomplexity and their applieations in ecosystem. Problems in related aspeets were also discussed.