为了研究库尔勒香梨成熟过程中理化指标的变化规律,探求成熟期库尔勒香梨主要理化指标间的相关性,以成熟期库尔勒香梨为研究对象,研究库尔勒香梨果实硬度、叶绿素含量、SSC(可溶性固形物含量)和维生素C含量的变化规律;采用相关分析和回归分析的方法,应用Spss软件和Excel软件对指标均值以及各指标间相关性进行了分析,并对试验结果进行了实验验证。研究结果表明:在成熟期内,库尔勒香梨果实理化参数变化范围分别为:硬度4.23-7.99 kg/cm^2、叶绿素3.17-6.54 mg/100 g、SSC11.54%-15.41%、维生素C 1.9-4.2 mg/100 g;随着成熟的深入,果实硬度逐渐降低、叶绿素含量逐渐减少、SSC逐渐增加、维生素C含量逐渐增加;各指标均值在0.01水平上显著相关。回归分析过程中选取最优的拟合方式,并建立相应的数学模型,果实硬度和SSC与叶绿素含量和维生素C含量间决定系数均大于0.95,验证试验预测值与测量值误差小于3.2 1%,在库尔勒香梨成熟过程中可应用果实硬度和SSC对叶绿素和维生素C含量进行预测。研究结果能够为库尔勒香梨成熟度评价和分级提供参考。
This research aims to study the variation in physical and chemical indicators of Korla fragrant pear in the ma- ture period and explore the correlation among the main indicators. Taking the Korla fragrant pear in the mature period as the objects, the changes of the fruit firmness, chlorophyll content, SSC and the content of Vitamin C were studied. Using the methods of correlational analysis and regression analysis, the was analyzed by the support of SPSS and excel. The results were correlation between the means and the above indicators verified by experiments. Research results show that the ranges of physical and chemical indicators of Korla fragrant pear in the mature period are 4.23 - 7.99 kg/cmZfirmness, 3.17 -6.54mg/100g chlorophyll, 11.54 -11.41% SSC, 0.36 ~ 0.6mg/100g Vitamin C, respectively. With the fruit maturity, the fruit firmness and chlorophyll content decrease gradually, while SSC and the content of Vitamin C increase gradually. The means of each indicator have significant correlation at the level of 0.01. In the process of regression anal- ysis, the optimal fitting was selected and the corresponding mathematical model was established. Both the determination coefficients of fruit firmness and SSC as well as the content of chlorophyll and Vitamin C were greater than 0.95. The errot of the predicted value and the measured data was less than 3.21% through verification. Therefore, the content of chlorophyll and Vitamin C can be predicted from the fruit firmness and SSC during the maturity of Korla fragrant pear. The research results can provide reference for evaluation and classification of Korla fragrant pear maturity.