针对自主水下机器人(Autonomous Underwater Vehicles,AUV)复杂动态环境下的实时局部路径规划的问题,采用了在全局坐标系下基于混合整数线性规划(Mixed Integer Linear Programming,MILP)的最优轨迹产生方法。在全局坐标系下,把复杂动态环境下AUV路径规划这一非线性问题,描述成满足一组线性约束同时使目标函数极小的线性规划问题,嵌入基于MILP的规划器,从而得到一条满足性能要求的最优路径。该方法充分考虑了障碍物、目标、本体动力学以及传感器的约束,并结合实际AUV动力学模型进行优化,半物理仿真实验结果验证了该方法的合理有效性。
A Mixed Integer Linear Planning(MILP)based optimal trajectory generation method in the globe coordinate system is presented for real-time path planning of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle(AUV) in the dynamic complex environment.In the globe coordinate system,the path planning of AUV in dynamic environment is described as minimizing an objective function subjecting to a set of linear inequalities which can be easily embedded into MILP path planner.Thus an optimal path fulfilling the performance requirement is obtained.Meanwhile constrains of obstacles,target,AUV dynamics,and sensor ranger are fully considered,combining with actual dynamic model,a semi-physical simulation test is done,which results verify the validity of this approach.