采用气相色谱-质谱联用(gas chromatography-mass spectrometry,GC-MS)对邪蒿挥发油成分进行分析,并对其抑菌作用进行研究。结果表明:采用水蒸气蒸馏法从邪蒿中提取挥发油的提取率为1.33%;在最佳分析条件下,共分离出37个峰,并对其化学成分进行分析,鉴定出31个化学成分,占总挥发油量的93.7%,其主要成分为肉豆蔻醚(64.05%)、芹菜脑(8.98%)、2-甲氧基丁烷(2.02%)、香豆酮(1.87%)、香树烯(1.35%)、α-愈创木烯(1.3 7%)等;邪蒿挥发油对金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌和痢疾杆菌生长有强抑制作用。
The volatile oil in the stems and leaves of Seseli seseloides Hiroe.was extracted by steam distillation method with an extraction rate of 1.33%.GC-MS was used to analyze the chemical composition of the oil and the antibacterial activity was also measured.Under the optimal analytical conditions,37 peaks were separated and 31 of them were identified,accounting for 93.7% of the total volatile oil.The major compounds were nutmeg ether(64.05%),celery brain(8.98%),dimethoxy butane(2.09%),benzofuran,2,3-dihydro-(1.87%),hong tree ene(1.35%),guaiacyl-ene(1.37%),etc.The results of antibacterial experiments showed that the oil had strong inhibitory effect on the growth of Staphylococcus aureus,Escheichia coli and Shigella dysenteriae.