Reversible logic studies have promising potential on energy lossless circuit design,quantum computation,nanotechnology,etc.Though existing synthesis methods can provide optimal solutions,yet they may suffer from long computation time,due to the fact that the search space is likely to grow exponentially as the circuit size increases.Therefore,in this paper,the authors propose an analogic selection sorting algorithm essentially based on the transformation-based algorithm.An unweighted,undirected graph is used for the representation of all transformable paths.During the synthesis process,a sequence of transformation is built to make all the output patterns appeared in the right place.The whole process can be implemented by a sequence of Toffoli gates.In addition,the authors propose a simplification algorithm to further optimize the generated circuit.The experimental results show that the algorithm,compared with other exact methods,can achieve optimal or very close to optimal solutions with less computation time.Furthermore,the algorithm is more easily understood and implemented.