研究了基于信号一阶循环平稳特性的空间源信号到达角估计方法,推导得到了在双阵元条件下的测角方法和测角精度,以及空间干扰信号对测角性能的影响,并与传统干涉仪测角性能进行了比较. 理论分析和仿真结果说明,基于一阶循环平稳特性的空间源信号到达角估计方法,不仅具有和干涉仪近似一致的单目标测角性能,并且能同时实现对多个具有不同一阶循环频率的目标信号的测向,这是传统干涉仪所不具备的.
By exploiting the 1^st-order cyclosationarity property of the source signal, a new direction-of-arrival (BOA) estimation method is presented. The estimation accuracy is derived in condition that the sensor army is composed of only two sensors. Also, the estimation performance of the given method is evaluated when interfering signals exist. Simulation results indicate that the new method performs as well as the conventional inteferometer for one target, and can almost give the right directions for multiple source signals, which is impossible for the conventional interferometer.