对杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)、马尾松(Pinus massoniana)人工纯林及其混交林4 m以下树冠上的枝叶、灌木层、草本植物层和枯枝落叶层的负荷量和生物质能进行了调查测定,计算了其林分地表可燃物每公顷可利用的生物质能的产出量,并估算了我国现有杉木、马尾松人工林地表可燃物可利用生物质能的潜力。结果表明,全国现有杉木、马尾松林可利用地表可燃物的生物质潜能高达1 057.31万-1 211.54万t标准煤,产业化前景非常广阔。同时,作为用材林营造的杉木、马尾松人工林,自进入中龄林之前至成熟林阶段,每隔3 a可以重复利用一次,每公顷地表可燃物累计产出生物质能702.64-805.13 kg标准煤。从森林培育和森林防火的角度看,可以把马尾松林作为能源林进行经营,并通过地表可燃物的定期利用来降低森林火险,提高全林分的抗火性。
In order to explore the potential bioenergy of surface fuel, the fuel load and the bioenergy of the branch and needle, shrub and herb layer and litters in 4 meters below were surveyed and determined in the pure Cunninghamia lanceolata and Pings massoniana plantations, and their mixed plantations. The per hectare production of surface fuel bioenergy of three surveyed plantations and the total of a nationwide C. lanceolata and P. massoniana plantations were estimated. Results indicated that the total surface fuel bioenergy could be converted into 1.06×10^7-1.21×10^7t of standard coal. The results indicated that the surface fuel of C. lanceolata and P. massoniana plantations could explore bioenergy every 3 years from early half-mature to mature forest. They have huge potential and the prospect of the industrialization. P. massoniana plantations are recommended to be managed as energy forest on the basis of silviculture and forest fire prevention, in order to reduce fire danger and improve the fire resistance of all stand.