Psoriasis is eharaeterized by the parallel appearanee of epidermal hyperproliferation, inflammation and angioqeo- genesis. It is driven by an intimate interplay between the innate and the adaptive immunesystems. The eentral axes of psoriatic in- flammation enmprises the tmelear factor -kB,inlerferon -g and interleukin (IL) -23 signaling pathways as well as antigen pres- enlation. Biologie therapies targeting tumor neerosis factor- α,lL- 23 or IL- 17 are highly effeetive, underlining the clinical im- portance of these inflammatory mediators. In recent years, Ihere are some sludies have found that the chaunel of IL- 1β/NF - κB aetived and IL - 23 in islet cells of the immune respmse, they can lead to insulin resistance, h suggests thai insulin resistance may be involved in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. In this paper,the etiology and pathogenesis of psoriasis in recent years and the researeh progress of complications associated with psoriasis were reviewed as fi)llows.