针对多无人机系统(multi-UAV system)的特点和执行作战任务的需要,对多无人机系统的体系结构进行了初步研究,先提出功能需求和设计原则,然后给出一种新型多无人机系统体系结构的详细设计方案。在该体系结构下,所有的无人机物理上平等,没有哪一架无人机是不可缺少或不可替代的。该体系结构实现了在动态变化的战场环境下,无人机可以根据当前任务情况自主组建动态团队和子团队,无人机在团队框架下协作完成预定任务。团队中的无人机自主选举出团队领导,由团队领导对整个团队或子团队进行逻辑上的集中管理。最后对该体系结构实现中存在的几个问题进行分析并给出解决办法。设计过程表明,该体系结构能够满足所提出的功能需求。
The architecture for multi-UAV systems was studied, considering the characteristics of multi-UAV systems and the needs to accomplish missions on the battlefield. The functional requirements and design principles were drawn out, and then the scheme of a new architecture for multi-UAV systems was proposed. With this architecture, all of the UAVs are equal to each other physically, none of which is indispensable or irreplaceable. In the changing environment of battlefield, the UAVs will autonomously form dynamic teams or sub-teams for changing or emerging tasks dynamically. The UAVs will elect a team leader in every team, who will be responsible for managing the given team or sub-team. Some problems which may be encountered during the implementation of the architecture were discussed. The design process indicates that the architecture can satisfy the functional requirements.