组件式GIS一直是GIS软件开发中研究的热点。论文介绍了最新的组件开发技术,在此基础上提出了组件式数字制图系统的设计方案;以Visual Studio.NET2005为试验平台,进行了相应的数字制图系统开发实践,并实现了该系统的插件式更新;最后说明了组件式GIS的进一步发展方向。
Component GIS is a hot topic in the development of GIS software. The paper brought forward a new designing of digital mapping system based on the latest component technology(.NET, component technology), then realized the system programming on the platform of Visual Studio.NET2005, and implemented the pulg-in-updating method for the system. Finally, the trend of the development of the component GIS was illuminated.