A new method of recognition of linear structures using usual gravity data is introduced, and the actualization of this technology is also accounted for, in this paper. The horizontal gradient anomalies and two derivatives methods are adopted to extract faint information as well as other methods, and digital image display technique is used to show the results. First, 3D-upward continuation of gravity and magnetic data in different height is computed. Second, the maximal horizontal gradient modulo, significance factor "n" and angle of rotation of gradient of each point in the region are calculated, according to the algorithm in this paper, and the vertical quadratic differential coefficient of the actual-measured data is reckoned in different radii. Finally, the linear structures are recognized in different depth according to these images. The structures are then defined comprehensively combining the regional geology. A comparison and analysis between the digital image of gravity anomalies from the Ordos Basin and regional geological structures replenish new evidences for deep researching of this region's structure. In this paper, the recognized linear struc tures in Ordos Basin are consistent with the existing geology datum. The gravity and magnetic data can be shown in an image by this method, describing more clearly than the routine contour map, particularly advantaged to analyze the linear structures, and the faint information can be explained from the unusual datum of region at the same time. Through the horizontal gradient method combined with the digital image technology, a good explanation effect is achieved.