光电振荡器(OEO)是当前热门的一个研究问题,频率可调谐是它的一个重要性能指标。目前,频率可调谐的步长比较大,较好的也只能达125 MHz左右,还处于粗调谐水平。通过实验验证了一种基于电移相器实现的可精细调谐的OEO。该方案通过调节电移相器的偏置电压,改变环腔中振荡频率的相位,等效于改变环腔时延,最终实现环腔振荡频率的改变。由于移相器的相移量可以通过偏置电压进行细微调整,所以可以实现环腔振荡频率的精细调谐。实验中使用最大相移量为180°的电移相器实现了10.020-10.025GHz约5.5 MHz范围内步长约为70kHz的精细可调谐。
Optoelectronic oscillator (OEO) is a hot topic recently and the tunability is one of its important performances. The step of the tunable performance at present is about 125 MHz and the step is long, which can be defined as coarse tuning. An experiment is made to prove the OEO based on phase shifter which can be finely tuned. By changing the voltage of the phase shifter, the phase shift of the oscillation frequency in the ring cavity can be tuning. The time delay in the loop will be changed which will change the oscillation frequency. Because the amount of phase shift of the phase shifter can be fine-tunned by the voltage, we can achieve a fine tunability. In the experiment we use an electrical phase shifter whose maximum phase shift is 180° realizing a fine-tunning OEO with the step of 70 kHz from about 10.02 GHz to 10.025 GHz,the range of 5.5 MHz.