Nanfeng orange is a famous fruit in the world, but the content of rare earth in the fruit and its relation to the content in soil were little studied. The present paper studied the contents of rare earth in Nanfeng orange fruit and the effects of soil planting Nanfeng orange on the contents of rare earth in Nanfeng orange fruit by ICP-MS/ICP-AES in order to find the relation of rare earth content in the soil to that in Nanfeng orange fruit. The results showed that ten kinds of rare earths were detected, namely La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy, Ho and Yb, whose contents range from 0. 63 to 0. 01 ng·g^-1, while the contents of the ten elements range from 29.36 to 0. 07μg·g^-1 in the soil. All data showed that the content of rare earth in fruits is right relative to that in soil. So the authors can conclude that fertilizing with rare earth should he the best way to enhance the content of rare earth in Nanfeng orange fruits.