Channel selection strategies are studied from the perspective of free-riding. Three models are created under each channel environment, including the traditional channel, e-channel and the dual-channel. The corresponding conclusions are got through a comparison. Based on the Stackelberg game theory, the coefficient of free-riding is introduced into the dual-channel model and after comparisons and analyses, the corresponding range of free-riding when the manufactures choose each channel are given. A functional curve is presented to show how optimal manufacturers profit change with free-riding by using the data of YISHION. The results show that affected by the price elasticity of demand, unit cost and some other factors, the manufacturers will make various channel selection decision within different free-riding ranges when producing the products. Simultaneously, the results show that the total profit of the whole supply chain suffers most when the free-riding coefficient is smaller and spreads in a smaller range, whereas and that when it grows to some certain level, free-riding may has a positive effect on the whole supply chain.