Blocking ability is an important parameter of insulated gate bipolar transistor(IGBT), which directly affects the overall characteristics of IGBT.The structure with field limiting rings is analyzed for planar punch through IGBT, the blocking capability of IGBT is simulated with the device simulation software, the width, spacing and number of IGBT field limiting rings are respectively optimized, the blocking capability of IGBT is improved, that provides a reference for the design of IGBT.The final optimization results is that,when the width of IGBT field limiting rings are 24 μm, 21 μm, 18 μm, 15 μm,the spacing between IGBT field limiting rings are 3 μm,4 μm,5 μm,6 μm,the number of IGBT field limiting rings are 4, the blocking voltage is able to reach 1 240 V.