作为一种新型开发的绿色能源,地热资源被越来越多的人所重视.开采埋藏较深的地热资源风险大,因此开发前的地质和地球物理勘查是十分必要的.采用单一的地球物理方法勘探具有很大的风险,因此采用多种方法进行综合调查可以降低单一方法的风险,取得较好的效果.本文以狮子湖温泉为例,研究了地球物理方法在温泉勘探的应用.本次勘探采用可控源音频大地电磁法(CSAMT—Controlled Source Audio—frequency Magnetotellurics)和微重力测量,CSAMT是针对大地电磁测深法场源的随机性和信号微弱,提出的一种采用可以控制的人工场源改进方案.仪器采用美国Zonge公司生产的GDP-32Ⅱ.该方法由人工向地下供入音频谐变电流建立电磁场,通过仪器在地面接收从地下反馈来的信息,根据不同时代、岩性地层电性特征达到勘查目的.为此我们在测区做了两条剖面,从CSAMT反演图推断,自上而下可分为3个电阻率层,该剖面视电阻率具有很好的层理特征,反映了厚大的中新生代地层(Edn、K)覆盖.剖面西部有明显的泥盆系地层(D)存在.根据视电阻率的变化特点,可以推断这条剖面的5条断层.在剖面中部距地表400~800米深处存在一明显低阻区,推测应为含水破碎带或低阻泥岩.对数据进行二维反演,可以清楚的看到利于储水的盆地构造.CSAMT方法受静态效应影响很大.静态效应位移可能是由地形和电阻率的浅部的横向变化引起的,既是不可避免的,也是不可预测的.因此对数据进行预处理是十分必要的.减少静态效应的影响办法有以下三种:(1)、对效应进行理论计算;(2)、采用空间滤波和相位积分等处理方法;(3)、使用独立的、无静态效应的测量方法.计算静态效应理论值在理论上是简捷的,但在实际的野外条件下,由于无法预测?
Recently, as a clean energy source, geothermal resources are increasingly appreciated all over the world. The Lionlake hot spring is one of the most significantly indispensable geothermal areas in China. The remote reference CSAMT method and gravity method and robust technique were used in the field measurement and data processing. In general, the terrain of the Lionlake area is flat. Occasionally some small hills are preesent. CSAMT data and gravity data were obtained along two long profiles of 7km. In order to resolve questions concerning the formation of the Lionlake hot spring, a vector Controlled Source Audio Magnetotelluric (CSAMT) survey was conducted along the two profiles crossing the lionlake area. For additional control, gravity data were also collected along the CSAMT profiles and a regional line. The CSAMT data are of very high quality but are extremely complex reflecting the extensive folding and faulting of a complicated geological environment. Preliminary interpretation of the CSAMT data reveals the presence of a conductor (possibly a muskeg zone) at 400-800 m depth which overlies two distinct resistive bodies. The correlation of the structural information obtained from CSAMT and the compositional information provided by the gravity data suggests a much more complicated faultage history for the geothermal than that originally thought.