This paper analyzed the financial data range from 2000 to 2012 of 62 Chinese commercial banks through unbalanced systemic dynamic panel GMM method, it is found that monetary policy has a significant negative impact on the bank's risk-taking behavior,and that the negative correlation is more sensitive to quantity instruments of monetary policy. Furthermore, the impact of monetary policy on bank risk-taking behavior has obvious heterogeneity. The risk-taking behavior of systemically significant banks has the positive intercept effect and negative slope effects; banks with higher capital adequacy ratios and bigger scale performance are more cautious when monetary easing, while banks keening on off balance sheet items tend to be more aggressive. Therefore, to build a macro-prudential regulatory framework which introduces financial stability objectives into monetary policy reaction function, and to achieve the dynamic and discrepant prudential regulation to heterogeneity banks through the coordination of the monetary authorities and the regulatory authorities, are conducive to the long-term stability for financial reform and financial development.