试验以完熟期的高油玉米秸秆为青贮原料,分别为对照组(无添加剂)、丙酸处理组(0.5%/kg鲜样)、丙酸菌处理组(105 cfu/g鲜样).在青贮的第1、3、6、9周开瓶取样检测丙酸和丙酸菌对青贮发酵质量的影响.结果表明:3种处理均得到优质青贮(低pH、高乳酸含量、未检测到丁酸).活体外试验表明,丙酸处理青贮的72 h累积产气量和总挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)产量均显著高于丙酸菌处理和自然发酵青贮(对照组).但是3种处理青贮的活体外消化率没有显著(P>0.05)差异.
Experiment was conducted to determine the effects of propionic acid and propionic acid bacteria as silage additives on HOC stover silage quality and in vitro fermentation characteristics. Results showed that the three silages were all well preserved. No significant difference(P = 0.09) in rumen DM digestibility (IVRDMD) in vitro was observed among treatments. However, BPA had a significant (/9 〈 0.0001) effect on the dynamics of gas production and VFA production.