Laser anneal is an important step of the backside process for insulated gate bipolar tran-sistor (IGBT) devices. Based on a domestic laser anneal equipment, the relationship between key pa-rameters, such as the activation ratio, activation depth and the process conditions were studied. The re-sults show that the double lasers anneal can get higher activation ratio than the single laser. With doublelasers, the activation ratio of boron is dependent to the dos of boron implantation, the highest activationratio can be close to 80%. The activation ratio of phosphorous is also related to its dose, and the highestactivation ratio can reach 100%. The TEM observation of the annealed sample shows that no crystal de-fects can be found in the annealed area. The performances of IGBT device with laser anneal was analyzed.The result shows that the performances of IGBT, are at the same level to that of foreign competitors.