以工业机械手的系统设计为例,阐述了设计结构矩阵(design structure matrix,DSM)表达耦合任务信息的方法,通过对改进DSM优化算法的描述,完成了工业机械手系统设计任务的顺序规划,同时,应用合理的公式对优化后的DSM与原DSM矩阵复杂度进行了计算,结果表明:经过改进算法优化后的DSM比原DSM复杂度大大降低,表明耦合任务的规划使设计任务的流程更加清晰,耦合关系更加明确,达到了规划的目的。
Taking an industrial manipulator design as an example to illustrate the method how to express the coupling information in DSM, an improved DSM algorithm was demonstrated, then the manipulator design task order programming was finished. After that, applying an rational formula to evaluate the compact level of the original DSM and programmed DSM, then it is demonstrated that: compact level reduces in considerable extent and programming makes the coupling task more controllable, clear process and clear coupling relationship, achieves the purpose of programming.