Due to the spatial variability in the distributions of CO2 concentration, temperature, humidity, carbonation- induced corrosion current density, compressive strength of concrete, etc. , nowadays, how to take these parameters into accounts for reliability-based durability analysis remains a hot and difficult research topic. Based on the random field theory, in the present study a midpoint method, which selects the correlation length and scale of fluctuation (0) appropriately, and a spatial time-dependent reliability model are employed to predict the proportion of carbonation- induced cracking under various atmospheric environments over next 100 years. Results indicate that: (1) If the carbonation cumulative effect and temperature influences arc considered, carbonation-induced corrosion process is close to the actual deterioration situation, and the prediction results should be more reasonable; (2) Proportion of corrosion- induced cracking with spatial variability of corrosive parameters considered is 22.9% higher than that predicted from totally correlated cracking or 32. 8% lower than that obtained from perfectly uncorrelated cracking, respectively, indicating that the spatial variability of materials, geometrical sizes and corrosion process should be considered in the reliability-based durability analysis; and (3) To decrease the carbonation-induced corrosion, waterproof is one of the best measurements.