Chaos motion of the resonant circuit is studied and the chaotic motion area is obtained by numerical calculation. The behaviors of the resonant circuit are fully analyzed by using bifurcation exponent diagram, Lyapunov diagram and phase diagram. Two methods are applied to realizing the chaos controlling, which efficiently control the chaos motion of system into different steady periodic orbits, such as bifurcation control,controller of x|x|. The bifurcation diagram is plotted for the controlled system with parameter. The range of parameter to stabilize a certain np periodic orbit in circuit can be obtained through the bifurcation diagram. The periodic orbit such as p-1, p-2, p-3, p-4 can be stabilized with parameter controller of x|x|. A method of controlling chaos employing a dynamical nonlinear feedback controller is developed to guide chaotic motions towards regular motions,and it is piecewise-quadratic function in the form of x|x|. The result shows that the methods can successfullv control the chaotic motion of the circuit.