目的:酸敏感离子通道(acid sensing ion channels,ASICs)H^+-门控的阳离子通道,是一类新的配体门控性离子通道,属于钠通道超家族的新成员。ASICs具有许多重要的生物学功能,在痛觉和触觉调制中具有重要作用。近来,ASICs各个亚基已被克隆,并且所有亚基在背根神经节(dorsal root ganglion,DRG)神经元均有表达。本文主要介绍ASICs在DRG的表达与调控。
Acid sensing ion channels(ASICs) are H^+ - gated cation channels and also a new ligand- gated ion channels, which belongs to the epithelial sodium channels(NaC/DEG) superfamily. ASICs have many biological functions, they play important roles in pain and touch. In recent years, the subunits of ASICs have been cloned and be found that all ASIC subunits are present in DRG neurons. This article is mainly about the expression and modulation of acid - sensing ion channels in DRG neurons.