The purpose of this study was to examine transitions from rural to urban land use patterns and the problems that can occur as a consequence of such development. Methods adopted in the research include reviews of the literature review and both comprehensive and comparative analyses. The results reveal the types of problems that occur in the process of urbanization, such as low land utilization efifciency, poor pattern development, chalenges to system design and innovation, risk aversion, exit mechanisms, etc. The study also presents a strategy for an active and well-advised approach to the transition, such as implementation of small-scale trials preceding large-scale promotion and initiation of a rural-to-urban transition system that eliminates traditional and unnecessary restraints. A strong connection between reality, strategy, and legal structures, as wel as an acknowledgment of the risks and beneifts to al parties involved, is critical, so as to maximize economic efifciency and build an efifcient and comprehensive development scheme for both rural and urban areas.