已知A是含单位的C*-代数,在文中仅在标准模HA=l2(A),以及其子模H0上讨论,主要给出了判定某序列{Aj}j∈J B(HA,H0)是算子值框架的一个等价命题,以及利用算子理论中有关算子的分解,从而得到框架的相关分解的命题.
Let A be a C*-algebra containing unit,the only space we will consider in this paper is the standard module HA=l2(A) and its sub-module Ho.This study gives an equivalent condition which is to judge a sequence {Aj}j∈J B(HA,Ho) to be operator-valued frame and gets corresponding propositions of frame decomposition by using some propositions of operator decomposition in Operator Theory.