The paper is to propose a method for qualitative and quantitative analysis on road accidents. As is known, many factors are likely to conduce to traffic accidents, such as unreasonable road alignment, vehicle running away, drivers' carelessness and adverse weather influences and so on. Also, the interaction and interdepen- dence among these factors constitute the complexity of accident forma- tion. To describe this interaction and interdependence, Bayesian Net- work (BN) was applied to analyze the mechanism of road accident formation. While introducing two hidden nodes: Y0, which denotes Driver's Nervousness and Y1, Alignment Rationality, we have built a Bayesian Network Hierarchical Latent Class model with eight nodes built-in for the road accident analysis. The other six observable nodes include X0 ( level of driver' s familiarity with road condition), Xt (time), X2 ( traffic volume), X3 (weather condition), X4 ( horizontal radius) and X5 (longitudinal gradient). Then the Marginal Probability and Conditional Probability were determined by Maximum Likelihood Estimation. During the estimation, prior probability was firstly let to be determined by the prior knowledge, such as historical accident data and experts experience. In addition, posterior probability was supposed to be calculated by the prior probability and likelihood function, with Marginal Probability and Conditional Probability being modified. And, finally, trial applications were conducted on the his- torical accidents data of the national highway G104 in China from K1310+ 000 to K1330 + 000, by using the common soft package of Netiea. Primary applications study were conducted to estimate the probability of road accidents under some certain conditions with spe- cial road geometry, traffic volume, drivers' performance and weather condition. Next applications were conducted to test fault diagnosis of the accident reasons. Afterwards, parameter sensitivity analysis and comparative analysis of different factors