目的:预测乙型脑炎病毒E蛋白(Japaneseenc ephalitis virus envelope protein,JEVE蛋白)的HIA—A2限制性CTL表位。方法:采用SYFPEITHI超基序法、量化基序多项式方案分析及延展基序方案联合应用,筛选JEVE蛋白HLA—A2限制性的九肽细胞毒性T淋巴细胞(cytotoxic lymphocyte,CTL)表位。结果:通过预测获得了9个JEVE蛋白HLA—A0201限制性的九肽CTL表位。结论:超基序法与量化基序多项式方案分析及延展基序方案的联合应用所产生的JEVE蛋白CTL表位,为进一步研制新型乙脑肽疫苗奠定了重要的基础。
Objective :To predict the HLA - A * 0201 restricted CTL epitopes of Japanese encephalitis virus envelope (JEV E) protein. Methods: HLA - A * 0201 restricted CTL epitopes of JEV E protein was predicted by the combined application of SYFPEITHI supermotif prediction, quantitative motif and extended motifs. Results: Nine HLA - A * 0201 restricted CTL epitope candidates derived from JEV E protein were selected. Conclusion: The JEV E protein CTL epitopes generated by the combined application of SYFPE1THI supermotif prediction, quantitative motif and extended motifs laid an important foundation to further develop the new type of JEV peptide vaccine.