热休克蛋白( heat shock protein,HSP)是一类在生物进化中高度保守、广泛存在于原核及真核生物中的蛋白质。近年热休克蛋白在免疫中的作用已成为当前研究的热点之一。已证实其能与肿瘤细胞内多肽分子结合,通过抗原提呈细胞上的受体,将抗原肽传递给细胞毒T细胞诱导特异性抗肿瘤免疫应答。热休克蛋白肽复合物作为一种疫苗,在生物治疗方面拥有广阔的治疗前景,值得深入研究。
The heat shock protein( HSP)is a highly conserved group of cellular proteins and is up-regulated under stress conditions. It functions as molecular chaperone and biochemical regulator to mediate cell growth,apoptosis,pro-tein homeostasis and cellular targets of peptides. Aside from their response to heat shock and chemical or physical stress stimuli,HSPs have been reported to be over-expressed in a wide range of human tumors. It has been confirmed that heat shock proteins could combine with tumor peptides,present the antigen to the immune cells through lympho-cyte receptor and elicit specific anti-tumor immunity via CTLs. As novel vaccines,heat shock proteins have a wide therapeutic prospect in biotherapy.