本研究采用荧光显微技术对香港巨牡蛎(Crassostrea hongkongensis)♀×近江牡蛎(C.ariakensis)♂的受精过程以及受精卵的早期发育进行了观察。结果表明:杂交组的受精率为35.3%±1.86%,大部分受精卵可以正常发育,但其发育速度相对种内受精组较慢,实验已获得了成活的2龄个体。本研究证明了香港巨牡蛎♀×近江牡蛎♂种间杂交的可行性。
The fertilization and early embryogenesis of Crassostrea hongkongensis ♀× C. ariakensis ♂ was performed in this study. A consecutive study was conducted on the eggs produced from the fertili zation and early embryogenesis with a fluorescent microscope in the hybridization between C. hongkon- gensis ♀ and C. ariakensis♂. Results indicated that the rate of crossing fertilization was about 35.3± 1.86%, with most crossing developing normally, however, the rate of early embryogenetic develop- ment of C. hongleongensis♀× C. ariakensis♂ was slower compared to the C. hongkongensis and C. ariakensis control groups. This study primarily suggested the possibility of interspecific hybridization between the C. hongteongensis ♀×C. ariakensis ♂.