近10年间,利用FG5-112绝对重力仪在中国科学院测量与地球物理研究所九峰动力大地测量中心实验站进行了68次重复观测,每次观测结果的标准偏差均小于2×10^-8ms^-2,证明九峰站测点环境噪声干扰较小,地质条件稳定;通过对观测数据的处理和分析认为,九峰站平均重力变化速率为1×10^-8ms^-2/a,相当于地壳垂直位移速率为-0.38 cm/a;同时指出地下水位变化等因素对该站的绝对重力观测影响不容忽视.
The sixty-eight station using FG5-112 absolute repeat observations have been done at Jiufeng dynamic geodesy center experiment gravimeter in the recent ten years. The standard deviation for each time is less than 2 ×10^-8ms^-2, and the results show that the environment noise of Jiufeng station is very little and the geologic condition is stable. By the processing and analysis of the observed data, it shows that the increasing rate of gravity at Jiufeng station is about 1 ×10^-8ms^-2/a, which corresponds to the vertical displacement rate -0.38 cm/a. Moreover, the influences of groundwater level variation and the like on the result should not be ignored.