The effect of the substitution of dry mixing for wet milling on the microstructure of cemented carbide is studied through the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observation of tungsten carbide starting material, the skin and the rupture section of dewaxed green compact and as sintered alloy, as well as the polished cross section. It is shown that the substitution of dry mixing for wet milling has an effect on the press behavior of the powder particles and the densitlcation behavior during the sintering process. Nevertheless, the alloying behavior during the sintering process is not affected by the substitution. Defects in the green compact, e.g. big voids and remarkably inhomogeneous element distribution will remain in the alloy. Tungsten carbide grains in the alloy prepared by dry mixing are coarse and homogenous in size, close to the size of tungsten carbide starting material measured by SEM.