Using a pension actuarial evaluation model, this paper estimates China's full scale (employees and residents) pension fund income's, expenditure and financing gap, as well as relevant implicit government deficits between 2010-2050. The results show that, if government keeps subsidizing the pension system in order to maintain a positive pension accumulated balance, discounted liabilities between 2010-2050 may amount to 57.5 trillion, and equivalent to 143% of GDP at 2010 price. Urban employee pension deficit accounts for most of the liabilities, while resident pension liability is much smaller. Till 2050, total pension expenditure including retired employees and residents will account for 13.77% of GDP. This is more or less equivalent to the situation of current typical Europe high welfare countries. Scenario analyses demonstrate that raising retirement and pension benefit receiving age, reducing replacement rate can bring down financing gap significantly, whereas raising earning rate of pension fund, raising fertility rateean hardly make a big difference.