在GIS支持下利用FRAGSTATS软件,以2005年广州市林业现状数据库为数据源,基于17个景观类型,分别用6个斑块级指数和8个景观级指数分析了广州市2005年森林景观分布格局。结果表明,广州市的森林景观总面积为2 961 km^2,森林景观以阔叶混交林为主,占广州市森林总面积的40.83﹪。其中,森林景观面积最大的是从化市,达到1 396.65 km^2,占该市土地总面积的70.73﹪。其次是增城市,其面积为864.08 km^2,占53.45﹪。属于广州市区的天河区、黄埔区、萝岗区、番禺区、白云区和花都区的森林景观总面积占其各区总面积的比例〈40﹪,南部的番禺区所占比例仅6.66﹪。广州市各县级行政区域间的森林景观分布格局差异性较大,同时,城市化水平与森林景观的破碎化程度有很大关系。但是,在景观级水平上,森林景观多样性在各县级行政区间的差异不大,各森林景观斑块的分布较为均匀,同质性较大。
Based on the forestry data in 2005, the forest landscape patterns of Guangzhou are analyzed by using FRAGSTATS 3.3. The result shows that total area of Guangzhou forest landscapes is 2 961 km^2, with broad-leaved mixed forests accounting for 40.83 %. Most of the forests are distributed in Conghua, covering nearly to 1 396.65 km^2, which occupies 70.73 % of the total land in Conghua. Forests in Zengcheng are 864.08 km^2, occupies 53.45 %of the total land. The forests in Tianhe, Huangpu, Luogang, Panyu, Baiyun and Huadu Distict account for less than 40 % in each district's total area. The forests in Panyu District at the northern part of Guangzhou occupies only 6.66 % of its total land. The patterns of forest landscapes vary largely among different districts of Guangzhou. The fragmentation of forest landscapes is greatly related to urbanization.The landscape diversity does not vary significant among the 8 districts of Guangzhou. All kind of patches are even distributed.