在GIS的支持下,利用FRAGSTATS 3.3软件,以2005年广州市林业现状数据库为数据源,分析了广州市2005年森林景观分布格局。结果表明,广州市森林景观的主要斑块类型为阔叶混交林、马尾松人工林、果树林和桉树混交林,其中阔叶混交林和马尾松人工林地面积比较大,二者之和占广州市森林景观总面积的一半以上.同时阔叶混交林的边缘密度、景观形状指数、斑块平均形状指数和景观分维度值均最大,说明该类型的边缘最复杂.阔叶混交林斑块分布比较集中,斑块面积很大,斑块的连接线比较好,表明该景观类型是分布比较集中的自然生态系统,生态环境比较优良.苗圃景观、火烧迹地等与其他类型景观的混杂程度比较低,并且比较分散,景观受人类活动影响较大,分布比较分散.总体而言,广州市森林景观的多样性比较高,均匀度也比较大,反映出其各种森林景观类型的分布总体上是比较多样化,比较均匀的.
Based on ArcGIS and Fragstats3.3,the forest landscape patterns of Guangzhou were analyzed in this study.Broad-leaved mixed forest and Pinus massoniana plantation were the mostly distributed forest landscape,which occupied more than half of the total forest area of Guangzhou.The edge density(ED),Landscape Shape Index(LSI),Shape Index(SHAPE),and fractal dimension index(FRAC) were all highest in broad-leaved mixed forest,suggesting that the most complicated patch edge of broad-leaved mixed forest.Broad-leaved mixed forest also had the highest patch aggravation and cohesion indices, indicating the distribution of broad-leaved mixed forest was aggregative. Nursery and fired patch distributed dispersive, and were largely influenced by human activities. In comparison to the previous study, the landscape diversity of forest in Guangzhou were rather high, and had greatly increased in the past decade. The distribution of forest landscape in Guangzhou was relatively even.