In order to solve the problem of bottleneck identification in congested traffic network, the road node and link were analyzed based on temporal and spatial detection data, and then the urban traffic network bottleneck identification and classification model was established. Taking the interval of any two floating cars continuously through each intersection of congestion path as statistical time and the rate of outflow corresponding to each intersection of congestion path as statistical object, the traffic sequence when many floating cars were passing through was continuously statisticalized. Then the intersection correlation model was established to divide the traffic network bottleneck. Taking the divided area of traffic bottleneck as a closed area, through analyzing the inflow and outflow rate during the period of congestion and flat peak, and using the Chebyshev's inequality under the condition of a 95% confidence level, three types of congestion bottleneck were established, namely imported bottle- neck, outputted bottleneck and passed bottleneck. Taking the actual regional road network as analysis object, the eongestion area was analyzed by using the above model. The results show that the model can effectively identify and classify the traffic network bottleneck.