本研究以抗逆性强的大豆旱碱一号为材料,首次从中克隆了编码9-顺式-环氧类胡萝卜素双加氧酶(9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase,NCED)的GmNCED1基因全长cDNA片段,该基因编码区含有1836个核苷酸,编码611个氨基酸。通过同源性比对分析发现GmNCED1与花生、菜豆等双子叶豆科植物NCED的同源性高达84%以上。同时,利用荧光定量PCR分析发现高盐、低温、干旱、外源ABA以及NAA处理均可以诱导该基因在大豆叶片及根中表达。本研究初步揭示GmNCED1基因在植物逆境胁迫中的作用,为基因工程育种提供优质的候选基因。
Soybean (Glycine max)is one of the important oil crops in the world.The yield of soybean is strongly affected by environmental stress such as salinity and dehydration.Here we cloned the 9-cis-epoxycarote-noid dioxygenase gene (named GmNCED1 )from soybean (Hanjian 1 )which had stronger adaptability and toler-ance to abiotic stresses.The open reading frame of GmNCED1 was 1 836 bp,encoding 6 1 1 amino acids.Sequence analysis and homology comparison of GmNCED1 showed that it had highest homology with dicotyledonous plants (peanuts,pea,etc)with more than 85% homologies.At the same time,we analyzed the expression profiling of GmNCED1 during various abiotic stresses using qRT-PCR.The result showed that the expression of GmNCED1 could be induced by salt,drought,NAA,and ABA treatments in leaves and roots.This study explained the func-tion of GmNCED1 in abiotic stresses and provided a candidate gene for genetically engineered crops.