The linear frequency-modulation signal (LMFS) is a common form of radar echo signal, and the Wigner-Hough transform (WHT) is commonly used to detect the LMFS. The spike impulse noise in radar echo follows α stable distribution in complex environment, but the performance of the WHT will degenerate in this noise environment. The fractional lower-order pseudo Wigner-Ville time-frequency distribution (FLO-PWVD) method is proposed in this paper, which can work in stable dis- tribution noise environment. The new method of fractional lower-order pseudo Wigner-Hough transform (FLO-PWHT) is pro- posed based on Hough transform. The FLO-PWHT method was adopted to detect the multiple LMFSs in impulse noise environ- ment. The computer simulation results show that the proposed FLO-PWHT method has better performance than the existing PWHT method, it can work better in the impulse noise environment, and has a certain tenacity.