Heqing-Eryuan Fault Zone lies to the west of the central Sichuan-Yunnan rhombic block and is surrounded by four regional active faults including near S-N Chenghai Fault ( E), NE Lijiang-Jianchuan Fault (N, NW), NNE Longfan-Qiaohou Fault (SW) and NW Honghe Fault (S). According to the direct interpretation marks of the active faults, which are clear linear features and tectonic landforms including macro and micro fault scarps, fault valleys and broken ponds formed by the fault zone and these marks such as the offset streams, deformed river terraces and the same direction twist of the tops of the adjacent alluvial fans group at the same basin's boundary which resulted from the fault stike-slip movement, the spatial distribution, the scale, activity property, relative activity age and active amplitudes of Heqing-Eryuan Fault Zone have been analyzed directly on the high-resolution SPOT-5 (2.5m) and middle-resolution ETM (15m) remote sensing images and detailed field verification has been finished. The research results show that Heqing-Eryuan Fault Zone controls the eastern boundaries of east Lijiang Basin and Heqing Basin and the western boundary of Eryuan Basin and the strikes of mountain ridge lines, valleys and rivers between Heqing Basin and Eryuan Basin strictly and extends about 100kin intermittently. The fault strike is near south-north in the boundaries of the three basins mentioned above and NE 40°~ 50° in the mountain segment between Heqing Basin and Eryuan Basin (called as the mouantain segment for short below). Remote sensing direct identification of micro-fault scarps (the height is no more than 5m) in the middle or front part of the alluvial fans which were formed in the late period of Late Pleistocene can not only reflect the newest action of the fault zone, but also indicate that the activity is gradually moving from the boundary to the corresponding basin interior, especially in Heqing Basin. Through the analyses of color and geometric features of alluvia