倒木是森林生态系统的重要组成部分之一,在森林生态系统中发挥着许多重要、独特的生态功能。对大兴安岭北部兴安落叶松原始林倒木进行研究,发现平均每块样地共有兴安落叶松和白桦倒木32株,总材积为14.92m^3,大约165m^3/hm^2,兴安落叶松占78%。研究认为,在大兴安岭兴安落叶松林生态系统,兴安落叶松的浅根性生理特征是影响倒木输入的内在原因 风和多年冻土是影响倒木输入的重要生态因子。由于大兴安岭林区低温高湿的环境,倒木分解非常慢,其中Ⅱ、Ⅲ级腐烂级倒木的现存量最多,兴安落叶松倒木的分解常数是0.0136/a(R2=0.9557),白桦为0.3508/a(R2=0.8789)。倒木的产生为森林经营管理提出了警示,预示达到成熟年龄的林分要及时进行抚育渐伐,避免树木心腐而浪费资源 同时,倒木的发生及其分解产生了很多重要作用和病虫害以及森林火灾隐患,应进行合理地管理利用。
Fallen wood is an important ecological component in many terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and in forest ecosystems, fallen wood has many crucial ecological functions such as promoting natural regeneration, preserving biodiversity, energy flow and nutrient cycling et al. The fallen wood of Larix gmelini virgin forest in Daxinganling Mountain was studied. After investigation and research, 2 species and 32 logs of fallen wood were found in every 30m×30m quadrate, and their total volume was 14.82m^3 , about 165m^3/hm^2 , in which Larix gmelini taking 78%. Therefore, it was thought the shallow root of Larix gmelini is the key factor for the fallen woods. In addition the wind and permafrost also are the important ecological factors in Larix gmelini forest ecosystem. We knew that the climatic condition is low- temperature and high -moisture in Daxinganling Mountain. so the fallen woods decomposition is very slow. The decomposition constant of Larix gmeliniis fallen wood is O. 0136/a (RE =0. 9557) , Betula platyphyUa is O. 3508/a( R2 =0. 8789). In forest area, the fallen woods in decay level of II and III are in the high number. The produce of fallen wood in Larix gmelini forest ecosystem give the suggestion to the forest management. We should take tending and gradual cutting measures to avoid wasting resources for mature woods. In addition, fallen woods decomposition have taken many useful function. We should be reasonable for managing it.