Photoluminescence and electrical properties of Er3+-dopedNa0.5Bi4.5Ti4O15-Bi4Ti3O12 inter-growth ferroelectric ceramics
- ISSN号:2095-025X
- 期刊名称:《材料科学前沿:英文版》
- 时间:0
- 分类:TN304.21[电子电信—物理电子学] TQ174.756[化学工程—陶瓷工业;化学工程—硅酸盐工业]
- 作者机构:Jiangxi Key Laboratory of Advanced Ceramic Materials, Department of Material Science and Engineering, Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute Jingdezhen 333001, China
- 相关基金:This work was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51562014, 51262009 and 51602135), the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi, China (Grant Nos. 20133ACB20002 and 20142BAB216009), the Foundation Provincial Department of Education (GJJ150931 and GJJ 150911 ) and the Innovation Training Program of Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute (Grant No. 212050-008), and partially sponsored by the Foundation of Training Academic and Technical Leaders for Main Majors of Jiangxi (Grant No. 2010DD00800).
铁电陶瓷, ER3+, 发光带, 电性能, 生长, 温度依赖性, 多功能设备, 电气性能, inter-growth structure, photoluminescence (PL), electrical properties, multifunctional materials
E-mail: jiangxp64@