提出了一种利用光闪烁技术监测工业管道烟 气排放的方法,在实际应用中具 有适应范围广、结构灵活和测量准确等特点。利用开源流体模拟软件 OpenFOAM对圆直管道内的流体进行了数值分析,构造网格数为526240,基于图形处理器(GPU )的高性能计算平台对流体的数值仿真 进行了并行加速,取得了3.493倍的加速比。描述了光闪烁法测量烟 气流速、流量的步骤,对实验室的模拟烟道内的烟气流 速和流量进行了测量,并与皮托管所测得的数据进行对比,得到了较为一致的结果。
The stack gas emitted by the industrial production is main source of pa rticulate matter and pollution in the atmosphere.In this paper,a new optical method using the optical scintilla tion caused by the random fluctuation of particulate matter concentrationis is introduced to monitor the industrial emission.The prin ciple of measuring stack gas flow velocity and flow rate by optical scintillatio n is explained,and on this basis,a parallel double-tran sceiver technique is introduced,which has many advantages, such as wide suitability,flexible structure,accurate measurement.The prac tical meaning of the fluid numerical emulation for the measurement is discussed.An open source software OpenFOAM is used to analyze th e fluid in the exhaust pipe with the calculation grid number of 526240.The numerical simulation of the fluid is accelerated by us in g the high performance computing platform which is based on GPU,and the speed up ratio of 3.493times is obtained.The steps of the measurement of stack gas flow velocity and flow rate by optical scintillation are described.The stack gas flow velo city and flow rate of the simulation pipe are measured,the results are compared with those measured by the pitot tube,and they have goo d agreement.