缺资料流域水文模型的参数率定是水文学科的一个研究重点.除传统的参数区域化方法以外,考虑到在部分缺资料流域可能存在少量短时间序列或零星不连续径流量观测数据的实际情况,近年来采用少量不连续径流量观测数据率定模型参数的方法逐渐引起关注.本研究以我国西北内陆的黑河流域上游为研究区域,选取分布式水文模型SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool)为研究工具,使用SUFI-2方法作为参数自动率定与不确定性分析工具,分析不同径流量观测数据数量对模型参数率定结果的影响.研究结果显示,4组不同径流量数据在验证期的Nash效率系数均为0.67,表明使用1年的径流量数据进行参数率定时所获得的模拟效果可以达到使用多年径流数据率定参数的水平;比较各组模拟结果获得的P因子和R因子,表明使用1年径流量数据进行模型率定的不确定性会更大.
Calibration of a hydrological model in ungauged basin is an interesting topic in hydrology.Other than traditional parameter regionalization,discontinuous flow observation is also used to calibrate hydrological models due to short time series or sporadic discontinuous runoff observation data in some ungauged basins. Distributed hydrological model SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool)calibrated by SUFI-2 method was used to analyze impact of discharge measurements on model calibration results.Calibration using one-year daily discharge measurements was compared with three-year discharge data.Parameters derived from calibration using one-year daily discharge data were found to be able to achieve similar performance to three-year discharge data.Therefore it may be possible to use limited number of discharge data to calibrate SWAT model effectively in poorly gauged basins.