目的了解个体自我健康认知的影响因素及影响程度。方法采用中国健康与营养调查(CHNS)2006年调查数据,通过Ordered Probit Model对影响个体自评健康状态的因素进行分析。结果性别、年龄、收入水平、过去三个月受患病影响、知道居民膳食指南等因素对个体自评健康有显著影响(P〈0.05),其中过去三个月受患病影响的OR值达到了10.294。结论个体自我健康评价受到诸多因素影响,除医疗问题外社会及心理因素对健康自我评价的影响很大。
Objective To understand the factors that influence self-rated health status and their impacts. Methods China Health and Nutrition Survey(2006) was used to collect the data and Ordered Probit Model was taken to analyze the factors that influence self-rated health status. Results Sex,age,income level,being affected by diseases over the past three months,and knowing Chinese Dietary Guidelines had a significant effect on individual self-rated health(P0.05),among them the factor of being affected by diseases over the past three months had the maximal influence with OR value reaching 10.294. Conclusion Individual self-rated health status is influenced by many factors,besides medical problems,social and psychological factors have larger impact on self-rated health.