The orientation of the College Entrance Examination reform determines the expected outcome as well as the formulation of the reform policies. At the conceptual level, the College Entrance Examination reform should be people-oriented in terms of its goal, attach utmost importance to fairness in terms of its value and push forward while maintaining stability in terms of its procedure. At the level of system design, a combined approach of centralization along with decentralization should be taken in terms of its principle, and force should be tempered with grace in terms of its strategy. The five interconnected aspects of the orientation, while affecting and promoting each other, form an inseparable organic whole, in which, obviously, fairness is the premise, people-orientedness is the purpose, ensuring steady progress is the method, combining centralization with decentralization is the means,and tempering force with grace is the strategy. Above all, all the five aspects must be taken into account during the reform. Only then can they bring out the best in each other and put the reform on the right track.